The artist’s passion for art, which began at the age of 7 with choral singing at the opera, continued with studies at İzmir Işılay Saygın Anatolian Fine Arts High School, Dokuz Eylül University Faculty of Music Education, and later as a music teacher and piano & cello instructor at a private institution for many years.
Between 2014 and 2017, she began writing and illustrating personalized stories, producing her first professional works using illustration techniques. The works from that period can be described as handmade art books.
Since 2018, she have started creating their first professional works on canvas. Kargı, express her efforts to depict her creative self in a fluid structure, noting that the artist’s figurative and narrative style of expression is often generated without any preliminary drafts, based instead on a stanza or sentences that come to mind at the moment. She focus on portraying moments of expression that reflect her inner process.
The artist, who enjoys working with different materials and bases her approach on producing work without adhering to a specific discipline while finding joy in her creations, continues to work in her studio in Urla, İzmir.
Seldem Kargı explores life through the concept of womanhood, escaping from oneself to become oneself, transforming mental journeys into moments, and questioning the viewer by making the inner process of the figures they depict transparent, thereby questioning the state of being ‘one with the inside and outside.’